
进退维谷, 左右为难的英文

  • at a nonplus
  • between the horns of a dilemma
  • 进退维谷:    be in a fix; be at a nonplus ...
  • 左右为难:    in a dilemma; be in a bind; ...
  • 进退维谷,左右为难:    between the devil and the deep sea
  • 进退两难;左右为难:    between a rock and a hard place
  • 进退维谷:    be in a fix [dilemma; quandary]; be at a nonplus [plunge]; be hard put to it (for); be in a cleft stick; be locked in the horns of a dilemma; be on [between] the horns of a dilemma; be thrown into a dilemma; between the devil and the deep sea; be up a tree; difficult either to advance or draw back; remain in a very undecided state; stick in the mud 反动当局弄得进退维谷, 不得人心。 the reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited
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        进退维谷:    be in a fix; be at a nonplus ...
        左右为难:    in a dilemma; be in a bind; ...
        进退维谷,左右为难:    between the devil and the deep sea
        进退两难;左右为难:    between a rock and a hard place
        进退维谷:    be in a fix [dilemma; quandary]; be at a nonplus [plunge]; be hard put to it (for); be in a cleft stick; be locked in the horns of a dilemma; be on [between] the horns of a dilemma; be thrown into a dilemma; between the devil and the deep sea; be up a tree; difficult either to advance or draw back; remain in a very undecided state; stick in the mud 反动当局弄得进退维谷, 不得人心。 the reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited
        左右为难:    in a dilemma; be in a bind; be in a quandary about ...; be in dilemma; be on the horns of a dilemma; between scylla and charybdis; between two fires; caught in a dilemma; in an awkward predicament; in a fix
        左右为难的:    dilemmatic
        进退维谷的情况:    a catchsituationn
        塞车我正进退维谷:    i’m just in a jam
        进退维谷(前有狼后有虎):    between a rack and a hard place
        陷入进退维谷境地的人群:    marooned group
        定价上的左右为难:    pricing quandary
        令人左右为难的:    no win
        矛盾处境,左右为难:    double-bind situation
        难于抉择, 左右为难:    be torn between
        左右为难的困境:    crunch crunch; crush crush
        左右为难的情况:    dilemma
        但不知何故 我左右为难:    but somehow i got caught up in between
        反动当局弄得进退维谷不得人心:    the reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited
        定价上的左右为:    pricing quandary
        为难:    1.(感到难以应付) feel embarrassed; feel awkward 为难的事 an awkward matter; 使人为难 embarrass sb.; put sb. in an awkward situation2.(刁难; 作对) make things difficult for 故意为难 deliberately make things difficult for sb
        进退:    1.(进和退) advance and retreat 进退出没 withdraw attack or take cover2.(分寸) sense of propriety 不知进退 have no sense of propriety
        左右:    1.(左和右两方面) the left and right sides2.(大约) about; or so; or thereabouts 两个月左右 two months or so; 这只手表价值八十元左右。 the watch is worth about eighty yuan.3.(支配; 操纵) master; control; influence 为人所左右 be controlled by sb.; fall under sb.'s influence4.(随从) entourage; retinue; attendants 屏退左右 order one's attendants to clear out5.(反正) anyway; anyhow; in any case 我左右闲着没事, 就陪你走一趟吧。 anyway i'm free now. let me go with you
        使为难:    bewilder; confuse; discommode; embarrass; kittle; perplex; puzzle; stick; straiten; stumble; stump; trouble
        为难, 困惑:    at a stick


  1. "进退两难的"英文
  2. "进退失据"英文
  3. "进退索引选曲跳步选择键"英文
  4. "进退维谷"英文
  5. "进退维谷(前有狼后有虎)"英文
  6. "进退维谷,左右为难"英文
  7. "进退维谷的情况"英文
  8. "进退无路"英文
  9. "进退虚晃步"英文
  10. "进退虚晃动作"英文


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