- at a nonplus
- between the horns of a dilemma
- 进退维谷: be in a fix; be at a nonplus ...
- 左右为难: in a dilemma; be in a bind; ...
- 进退维谷,左右为难: between the devil and the deep sea
- 进退两难;左右为难: between a rock and a hard place
- 进退维谷: be in a fix [dilemma; quandary]; be at a nonplus [plunge]; be hard put to it (for); be in a cleft stick; be locked in the horns of a dilemma; be on [between] the horns of a dilemma; be thrown into a dilemma; between the devil and the deep sea; be up a tree; difficult either to advance or draw back; remain in a very undecided state; stick in the mud 反动当局弄得进退维谷, 不得人心。 the reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited
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